Monday, September 19, 2011 -
Article by:
William J. Acres - Trusted Lending Center -
If you're in a hurry to close on your purchase or your refinance, you should probably stay away from using a bank for your loan. With the recent lowering of interest rates to levels not seen in 60 years, the banks have been swamped with applications. With limited staff, they are falling way behind and turn times are in the 60 to 90 days for closing. the better option will be to use your local mortgage broker. They have more experience, lower costs, much better service, the same or lower rates, and most important, they can close your loan inside of 30 days... they work with wholesale lenders who have the staff and resources to handle the increased volume levels, and with less "Red Tape", the transactions will go much smoother and faster... Also to consider is that as the banks get swamped with loan applications, they will usually raise their rates to slow down the amount of applications they receive, enabling them to "Catch Up"... these increased rates are insulting to the mortgage "BROKER" industry professionals... the attitude is "Business at our BANK is so good, that if you want to use me, it's going to cost you." Use a Broker rather than a bank and in the long run you will be much happier...
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