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Jim Brown

Alternative to Sub-Prime, What will be the Terms?

Friday, June 17, 2011 - Article by: Jim Brown - Gibraltar Bank - Message

Well, I think the name that fits is "Flex Term". There will be alternative opportunities simply due to the unfortunate situation self employed buyers are up against. Details of that loan will be of course full verification of "real" income. Credit will be looked at historically. Where were these folks before the downturn. Have they "reduced" debt? Have they made the effort to prove worthy of a mortgage? Loans will have the FHA streamline underwriting guides and be able to refinance based on their excellent pay history. We have done so much modifying that modifying an "excellent" loan should be an easy function. Let's hope that something is created to help those who are worthy of a chance to finance and keep or purchase a home. Jim Brown, 732.245.5121

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