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Elden Alvarez

Credit Tips

Monday, January 17, 2011 - Article by: Elden Alvarez - Ameris Bank - Message

When applying for a mortgage one of the first steps is to have credit pulled. An applicant's scores as well as their history is a key factor when a lender is approving them for a mortgage. Here are some basic dos and don'ts in maintaining credit. The more open lines of credit you have the higher you are a risk to a lender. Keep only the cards that are needed for your spending needs. Exceeding your credit limit as well as late payments will decrease your score and over time you credit limit. A good rule is not to let your balance exceed 30% of your credit limit. Pay more than the minimum consistently shows the credibility that you remain in a good state to have open credit. To learn on how to improve your credit or main it go to

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