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Myke Thomas

Tips For Buying Your First Home

Friday, March 12, 2021 - Article by: Myke Thomas - Telecommunication - Message

Buying a new home is a great idea and can be the most significant investment you'll make in your life. To be honest, there are a few things that can be as expensive as a new house. Unlike any other project you may embark on, it requires effort, time, and knowing what to do. Mortgage companies like first home fund have made this process easier.

Here are some tips you can follow when buying your first home:

  1. Source For Financing

The first step for any purchase is to find a source of financing. Purchasing a home is a project that requires a considerable amount of money. You'll have to pay for the down payment, closing costs, and move-in expenses. Most home sellers charge 3% of the total price as the down payment and 2-5% for the closing expenses.

The easiest way to pay for your home may be through a mortgage. The money you borrow will depend on your debt and income level, assets, and lifestyle. It's advisable to borrow what you can afford to pay back. Your credit score will also determine the amount of mortgage you get. If it's low, you'll pay higher interest rates for your mortgage. But if it's in good shape, you'll pay lower.

Your local bank or a realtor can help you to determine how much you can borrow. However, you need to remember that the mortgage fees and rates vary from lender to lender. A small interest rate difference may translate into a payment of tens of thousands of dollars throughout the loan's life.

  1. Save For Down Payment

If you know the type of home you want to buy, it's advisable to save for a down payment. Expensive homes generally require more down payments. If you don't know how to determine your down payment, you can consult a real estate agent and ask him to help you determine a suitable house to buy and calculate your down payment.

Some lenders require homebuyers to pay substantial down payments before qualifying for a mortgage. If, for example, you'd like to purchase a condo costing $1.2, you may have to make a down payment of at least $350,000. The only way you can raise this amount starting to save early.

Your lender may also require you to reduce or pay off other debts. This may require you to postpone buying a new car or making major purchases using your credit card. But if you have other family members who can help you raise the down payment, you're lucky.

Most lending institutions also require bank statements showing that you've had money in your account for an extended period. Knowing what your lender needs can help you to find other financial sources.

As a rule of thumb, you should plan to buy a house you can afford. It's good to be ambitious, but being over-ambitious may plunge you into unimaginable debt. It would be pointless to purchase an expensive condo and fail to pay your bills and utilities.


Buying a house is a great investment. That's why you should strive to do it right. These tips can help you navigate the home buying process, save money, and close the deal.

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