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Benefits of a Healthy Budget

Sunday, February 16, 2014 - Article by: Lender411 Member

A Budget can help you meet all your financial needs. A budget lets you fine tune spending to meet all needs. Short term monthly bills an groceries; mid term; vacations and long term; home down payment, college, retirement. A budget shows the expenses you can't avoid like utility bills and those you can post pone(another dinner out), so you can cut short term spending to meet long term goals.

Cut waste. You can cut 75% of the grocery bills;with coffee from home, soda and sports drinks from the supermarket, and a refillable water bottle. Without a budget, you don't know what you're spending, so you can't find the waste.

Hit goals. To reach a financial goal; set a time frame...But you need a budget to "find" that extra money. A budget also keeps you motivated-you won't mind cutting out some movies if it means a nicer summer vacation.

Spend smarter. If your budget shows you spend more than you earn, it can also reveal ways to spend smarter. If your budget show you earn more than you spend, you can figure out the smartest way to spend, save, or invest the excess. Without a budget, you can't be sure about that surplus, so the extra money goes to mindless purchases.

Be prepared. You want to set money aside for unexpected medical expenses or repairs. these funds can also pay the bills if you're injured, sick, or laid off. A budget will help you set aside something each month to build an emergency fund to cover 3 months' expenses. If this gets hit, the budget can help you shift spending to build your emergency fund back up.

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