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Mina Galab

Cash Out Refinancing

Sunday, December 15, 2013 - Article by: Mina Galab - Omega Financial Services - Message

Cashing out refers to the refinancing of a loan where the borrowers will borrow money on their own home. If a home is appraised at $100,000 and the borrower's outstanding mortgage loan is $60,000, it is possible to enter into an 80% cash-out refinance transaction for a loan of $80,000 (80% of $100,000). The new mortgage of $80,000 will pay off the $60,000 loan and leave $20,000 cash-out to the borrowers.

What are the benefits?

By cashing out on your home, you can obtain cash on the value of your own home to pay off debts or upcoming expenses. The refinance transaction can also provide you with a better mortgage loan interest rate that will save on your monthly mortgage payments during the loan. And it's tax-deductible.

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