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Matt Baker

Why is FHA so popular?

Thursday, May 6, 2010 - Article by: Matt Baker - Cobalt Mortgage, Inc. BK-0909801 - Message

Here are just a few reasons that make FHA a popular mortgage program in today's market landscape. Find out more at

FHA guidelines are designed to offer more flexibility for evaluating individual borrowers.

  • You'll only have to come up with a 3.5% down payment, but some money can come from gifts or grants and all of it could come from a relative.

  • Having a 620 FICO score (a standard measure of credit-worthiness) or higher will make you a serious contender to get approved. You may qualify for a FHA loan even with a Bankruptcy (BK) or Foreclosure that is older than three years.
  • Borrowers who don't have an established credit history won't automatically be denied an FHA loan. However, we would want to see a stable history of paying bills for things such as rent or utilities.
  • FHA will allow the seller to contribute money toward your closing costs, which will allow you to only have or need to bring to closing the 3.5% down payment. This is a good reason to get approved first with us (PreApproved Button), to know how much money you will need to close and how much you will need to negotiate into the contract from the seller to pay your closing costs..
  • There is no hard set rule that says your debt to income can't exceed 45%. Typically, a lender looks at your total debt including the new mortgage in relation to your income.

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