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Will 2012 keep same low rates? When is harp 2 kicking in?

I can't wait to refinance. Is there any help for me with not enough equity in the house? by LouGav_303_869 from Riverside, California. Dec 28th 2011 Reply

Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

30-year fixed rates have been hovering +/- around 4.00% for a long time. I would expect to continue to see that pattern through early 2012, then slowly end up hovering +/- 4.50% by the end of the year. As for HARP, you can get 125% loans done TODAY, and we anticipate the ability to operate under the new HARP II guidelines around mid March 2012.

Dec 29th 2011
Blake Kleckner (BlakeK)
#391 ranked lender in California - 261 contributions

Hi Lou:HARP 2 will kick in with unlimited loan-to-value ratio (LTV) sometime between 3/1/12 and 4/15/12. We do have some lenders now allowing up to 125% LTV. There is help for you depending upon your particular situation. I need more details so I can let you know what can be done. Give me a call 16/7, or email me, and I'll be happy to walk you through the process. To learn more about me and our mortgage brokerage, click on my picture. When the next page pops up, click on "Website" and you will be redirected to ours. We work exclusively in CA and get loans done fast, typically in less than 30 days, at low interest rates and costs. Representing 39 quality lenders that offer more than 1,000 loan programs, we definitely have something for everybody.

Dec 28th 2011
Crestico Funding (CresticoFunding)
#316 ranked lender in California - 340 contributions

Hello Lou,We do anticipate that mortgage rates to stay in low 4's during 2012. If you need any additional help for the qualification you can contact us directly by visiting our profile. We are a boutique brokerage firm located on Los Angeles and offer the HARP program for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage holders.

Dec 28th 2011
Bert Carpenter (BertCarpenter)
#37 ranked lender in Arizona - 2,431 contributions

We can probably help you now. If the balance on your loan is not more than 125% of what your home would appraise for, there are programs available today that would help you lower your rate and payment. If your loan balance is above 125% and your loan is HARP eligible (owned by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae), then you will have to wait until mid-March. We are being told that the HARP 2.0 should be available then. As far as rates go, they should remain low for the foreseeable future. Many experts anticipate that we will still be looking at rates in the low 4s throughout 2012. Keep in mind that any number of unanticipated events could cause rates to rise, so you should take advantage of the first opportunity to improve your situation

Dec 29th 2011
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