Just want to know the income limit for USDA mortgage. I am in Wichita, KS by ariang7943610 from Wichita, Kansas. Dec 23rd 2014
It depends on the county where you are purchasing and your family size. You can check limits at this site (you man need to cut and paste the address into your browser): http://eligibility.sc.egov.usda.gov/eligibility/incomeEligibilityAction.do?pageAction=state&NavKey=income@11
I agree with the previous answer submitted. Open Mortgage can help you through the process from start to finish. You can contact me directly at 816-268-5931,
Wichita area is $75,750 1-4 family members $100,800 5-8 family members you will have to make sure the property location is eligible also as the city of Wichita is not eligible. If you need assistance I am located in Topeka. 785-273-5004 or kdwall@kdwallstreet.com
USDA income limits are based on the county where the home will be located, and the family size. In MN, WI, and SD - visit www.MortgagesUnlimited.biz/usda
The county the property is located in, the number of people residing in the home, Their ages (over/under 18 or over/under 62) and disability are all factors in determining the maximum income limits for a potential borrower . Use USDA's calculator which can be found at http://eligibility.sc.egov.usda.gov/eligibility/incomeEligibilityAction.do;jsessionid=042564BCC8C66394F012642E61E5A373 to determine the limits based on your situation. ~ Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z team of NOVA Home Loans ~ NMLS 40586 ~ Licensed in Arizona (AZLO0911876 / AZBK0902429), Washington (WALO40586 / WACL3087) and California (CADOC40586 / CAFLL6036566). We are licensed by the CA-DBO under the CFLL and CRMLA. Loans made or arranged pursuant to CFLL or CRMLA license. ~ www.LoansA2z.com ~ 888-889-9950
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