I'm going to refinance but I don't have much cash in the bank. Is this going to be problem? What's the lowest closing cost amount I can pay? Thanks. by Jcob77 from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Feb 4th 2011
Your costs can be rolled into the loan or your lender can set up your loan so they pay the costs. The rate in the 2nd scenario may be a little higher so the first option is usually the best if you don't wish to pay the costs out of pocket. Typical costs are between $2000-$3000.
Hello...There are 3 ways to pay for Closing Cost on a loan. In order of popularity: 1. Roll the money in the loan. 2. No closing cost loan. 3. Pay for out of pocket. The Closing cost depends on your situation and the loan amount? Do you roll your Taxes and Insurance into the payment, escrowed? If not, the cost is typically between 3-4K. Depends on Loan amount really and the pre paid interest that would vary. Otherwise, take a .250(usually) higher on the rate and call it a day! We will pay the closing cost associated with the loan, with no impounds. Hope this helps!
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