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What's the longest period I can lock my rate for? 90 days? is that possible?

And if so, can I break that lock and go with another provider if the rates come down lower? My point is can I protect myself with some kind of insurance against rates going higher but still wait it out? by RockyForoutan from Tustin, California. Jun 17th 2010 Reply

Gregorio Denny (GVDenny)
#257 ranked lender in California - 380 contributions

Most will need a full application and a specified property to lock a rate. If you are just attempting to use it as a placemarker, it's probably not going to work. Unless you are already in contract with a 90 day escrow, this probably isn't the best idea. As for breaking the lock if rates went lower, this is frowned upon. While you certainly can do this, you must remember that their is a tangible effect on the person you break it with. It can affect their pricing with their lenders and can even get them blacklisted. Remember, locks are a 2 way street.

Jun 17th 2010
Ron Wohlfarth (RonWohlfarth)
#34 ranked lender in New Jersey - 65 contributions

GoodMorning Rocky...90 days is the normal lock period, however a longer period should be eligible if you are purchasing new construction...Your plan may not work for you, since most Lenders will require a fee paid upfront on a lock longer then 45 days...Also if you do cancell your application, the Lender will probably not release your appraisal, costing you $400 to $600 for another appraisal...This may not be the best plan for you...Questions or comments...e/m Money@RonWohlfarth.comphone 856-853-1234web

Jun 17th 2010
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