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What's the best way to shop around for mortgage rates from lenders without damaging my credit?

by GBluth from Anoka, Minnesota. Jan 18th 2013 Reply

Steven Ceceri (123LoanYes)
#12 ranked lender in Rhode Island - 723 contributions

Don't apply for a mortgage until you a ready to work with a Trusted Mortgage Professional who can offer all the loan programs and products that you are interested in. This Trust is established from having detailed conversations and communications about your goals and objectives and is much more involved than shopping for the best interest rate. Professional Advice from a Trusted Mortgage Professional is usually worth much more in the long run than some potential short term savings from a slightly lower interest rate! I'm happy to help you directly if you'd like! Good luck!

Jan 18th 2013
David Kosmecki (david_kosmecki)
#35 ranked lender in Minnesota - 259 contributions

Know your credit score your ltv and type of loan as well as the loan amount. Ask 2 questions:1. what is your rate2. at that rate, what are your lender closing costs, the 800 line items on the HUD.David Kosmecki 763-519-1100

Jan 18th 2013
Steve Azarch (sazarch)
#18 ranked lender in Tennessee - 93 contributions

It would be nice if you know what your credit score is and if not you can go sites like credit which is free to get your credit score.Just call lenders or use their on line pricing engine but make sure that they do not pull credit until you are ready to go with the lender of your choice but until you choose, you can get a quote based on the credit score that you provide and that your true rate will be off what your accurate credit score.

Jan 18th 2013
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

You really only need to look at about three places to have effectively "shopped". Sit down with a local non-bank licensed lender to discuss your options. Avoid banks. Then finally, all mortgage lender pulled credit reports done within a 14 day period only count as one, so don't sweat inquiries on your credit report. I'm in St Paul, and a top rated nationwide Loan Officer. Visit my web sit at

Jan 19th 2013
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