This will Vary from lender to lender. Depending on the type of loan you get it can be as low as 600. I can review your credit situation with you and give you some direction on how to put yourself in a position to purchase a home Let me know if you would like to discuss you options further.ThanksEddie Stephen 866-218-9696,
Acquire a 640 for better rates. However, there are still a hand full of lenders who would accept score from the 600's. 640 or above should be your goal.
Ask your mortgage broker or mortgage banker of choice to show you the difference in price for various interest rates. Depending on what your FICO score is, you may wish to wait and increase your score before making any commitments. There are lots of ways to do that.A 10 point increase might make a huge difference, i.e., thousands of dollars, over a period of time.
Our loan program is based on your ability to pay the loan, not on your credit.With our 5% Down and NO CREDIT CHECK program you will be APPROVED!We are Funding Now! Email us to set up an appointment for a quick application over the
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