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What is the expected mortgage rate with 700 fico in crawford, TX

by jeremylance717 from Crawford, Texas. Mar 18th 2015 Reply

Henry Daniels (HenryJDanielsNationalMortgage)
#11 ranked lender in Texas - 145 contributions

I'd be Delighted to assist you. Many things go into a mortgage rate such as debt to income, loan size, property type and FICO. Feel free to Call us at 936-228-1944 and we can obtain the necessary information to quote you correctly. We are a No point and no lender fee lender.

Mar 18th 2015
Brad Cahoone (
#87 ranked lender in Texas - 1,042 contributions

Jeremy, Good afternoon. Rates are dependent on much more than credit score alone. When a lender is weighing risk they look at loan to value, debt ratio, and property type among other things to decide what rate they will assign as the risk of lending you the money per an annum. If you are not confident in your current lenders quote I am happy to shop the rate for you as a Texas Mortgage Broker I can assure you some of the best terms on the market across a sampling of 42 wholesale mortgage entities. Let me know if I can be of any further help. Brad Cahoone -NMLS ID: 184176 - Global Home Finance Inc. NMLS ID: 316441 - - 972-724-3222

Mar 18th 2015
Phil Dumouchel (PhilDu)
#32 ranked lender in South Carolina - 2,249 contributions

Lots of variables to consider, if you're going to live in the home probably in the 3.75-4% range depending on what fees you pay, for a 30 yr fixed rate loan. Higher with fewer fees, possibly lower with more.

Mar 18th 2015
Linda Wintersteen (Linda123)
#64 ranked lender in Arizona - 1,256 contributions

there are many factors that go into a mortgage loan, and also a good score is part of the process, but they look at tradelines, balances on the credit cards, income and job type I was a underwriter before.. linda

Mar 19th 2015
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

It's impossible for anyone here to advise you with out much more info.. in fact it would be border line incompetent and might even be illegal.. any lender willing to throw out a rate without looking at your complete loan profile is probably someone you should use.. this I know for sure.. Rates are low.. REALLY LOW right now. If your serious, then pick up the phone and call a local mortgage broker.. once he sees your complete loan profile, he can put together a written quote. How much are you looking to spend.. Loan rates are tiered based on loan size.. larger loan sizes get lower rates.. how much are you looking to put down.. larger down payments get lower rates.. what is the property type? Single family home?, Condo?, 2-4 unit? Manufactured home? Investment property? Loan rates will be different for all these types.. Do yourself a favor.. if your serious about buying something, then pick up the phone and call a local mortgage broker.. Once they see your complete loan profile, they will be better equipped to advise you properly. Also, by applying with your LOCAL Broker, you have an advantage because he's familiar with local customs and works with many lenders with each one offering a different type of lending program. This is unlike the local bank which typically only has a few lending programs. The more lenders, the more lending options, and the more likely your scenario will be accepted.. Plus, the broker is experienced in seeking out the best loan terms for your particular scenario, and he has lower overhead which typically results in lower rates and fees than most of the larger lenders.. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. William J. Acres, Lender411's number ONE lender in Arizona. 480-287-5714

Mar 19th 2015
Sean Young (SeanYoung)
#1 ranked lender in Colorado - 1,112 contributions

Hi Jeremy, I suggest speaking with a local loan officer, have them review your information so they can give you an interest rate quote that is based on your particular situation. Best wishes, Sean

Mar 21st 2015
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