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what are the estimates on closing cost and fees of a va loan?

by ccoleman319852 from Wheeling, West Virginia. Aug 12th 2013 Reply

Phil Dumouchel (PhilDu)
#32 ranked lender in South Carolina - 2,249 contributions

It varies somewhat based on the size of your loan, and whether you are also asking about prepaid and escrow costs for taxes and homeowners insurance. Usually around 3% is a good estimate but if the loan is very small (under $100,0000 +/-) it may be more than that; larger loans ($175-200K or more) it may be less.

Aug 13th 2013
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

All loans have closing costs. They vary by state and loan size. But the biggest aspect is how do you pay for them. For example I can make your loan a no closing cost loan, but that comes at a higher interest rate. I can also get you a super low interest rate, but that comes with higher closing costs. Contact a local mortgage broker in your area for more details, and to have them figure out which option for closing costs is best for you.

Aug 13th 2013

Closing cost on a VA loan will depend on the amount of the loan and the state. You should always negotiate the seller to pay closing cost and I wouldn't have a lender raise the rate to pay closing cost. This raises your rate for the entire time you have the loan and it is not a good financial decision. I have never had a VA borrower bring money to close on a VA loan. It is 100% financed for a reason.

Aug 13th 2013
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