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Wells Fargo Foreclosure eminent after 10 months of them beating us up! No completed review. No denial letters. HELP!

Thanks for your answer to my Wells Fargo underwriter question. I have been dealing with them for 10 months and never have the specialist completed pkg in timeframe for review! My point of contact now is with the Executive Off of Complaints of WF - and I'm going thru the same thing. Mod status portal showed us in review this past week. This morninig it shows us starting all over again with a HAMP process. Because of the specialists (we've had 3) sloppy work ethics, it has thrown us into eminent foreclosure set for 3/6/12! We have equity so I feel they are stonewalling us so time will lapse into foreclosure. I have contacted Fannie Mae (owns loan). A FNMA counselor is now helping me while the Executive Office of WF gives me the runaround. She has had me fill out another package that she will present to WF and said she can get the foreclosure postponed but not stopped. Am I missing something or is it their policy to set you up to fail this process and then take your property if you have equity? My husband lost his high paying job last year. We went on a UP forbearance and timely made payments. It was stated we would be put into a modification after the forbearance ended-and here we are. I have faxed 100+ pgs since Sept, submitting and resubmitting docs. We are on a 15-year mortgage so our monthly is high. He was awarded veterans retraining now and will receive unemployment benefits throughout his training period of 2 years. I own 2 businesses (1 for 7 years) that do okay considering the economy. We only have 1 installment loan and 1 car note. I appears the HAMP modification doesn't do what we were led to believe. I have also requested reinstatement amts and last day to pay-so far I can't get it. There are lots of foreclosed homes in our small rural area of TX that have been on the market over a year-why would WF want this to go into foreclosure knowing the house will just sit on the market? Do you feel that they are stone-walling us just to let time pass into the sale date when its too late and what would YOU do to make them sit up and take notice? Can Fannie Mae counselor require them to postpone foreclosure process? We have very valid hardships: ie., unemployed, ill parents under hospice care and recently in hospital for a month each, I am their legal caregive and take care of everything, 15-yr mortgage and all that goes with that, higher prop taxes and prop insurance, etc. Need quick answers what to do. Thanks so much!!! by starga_267_652 from Jasper, Texas. Feb 21st 2012 Reply

William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

Wow... you got a lot on your shoulders... This might not be the right internet post to get proper advice. You should search for "Loan Modification Advice".. This post is generally for loan / refinancing questions, but let me give you my insight... First of all, the HAMP program has been a complete failure. What you're referring to is exactly what has happened to tens of thousands of people trying to seek loan modification help. I have heard your story hundreds of times, and it should be criminal.. Wells Fargo is not after your equity, I assure you.. They are just incompetent when it comes to doing modifications. The complete system is set up for failure.. Your file has to be transferred to multiple departments for review, and none of them communicate with each other. One department asks for one document that you already provided to another department, and they can't find it, so you get it to them and it takes weeks for them to review it... Stalling, delays, transfers, switching personal, changing processes midstream, etc... all of these cause delays, and the clock is ticking... I have said for years that Loan Mod's are complete scams, whether it's being done by the big bank (IE Wells Fargo), or a small bank, or a "Loan Modification Specialists" company... they are all complete scams!! If your loan has had no 30 day late payments in the last 6 months, and no more than one 30 day late In the last 12 months, then you will qualify for the new and improved HARP 2.0 program. With this program, you can refinance into a 30 year fixed loan, at today's current lower rates... this should help you cut your payment almost in half... The program is open to applications right now, however they cannot be submitted until March 17th. No loan to value restrictions, so if you're underwater, it's not a problem... if your self employed, then 1 years tax returns is all that's required.. you can also finance the closing costs into the new loan. Also most lenders don't even require a credit score, so low scores will still be approved... If your loan is in default, then this might be hard to swallow, but if you're faced with the inevitable, then you might want to let them foreclose. First off, when you get past the initial shock and hit to your credit score, eventually you will get peace in all this. The waiting period for FHA is 3 years to be able to purchase a new home... I have had borrowers who have had foreclosures, and re established in the year after, and on the 3 year anniversary date, they were able to purchase a new home. If there is no end in sight, then letting them foreclose could be your best option...

Feb 21st 2012
Bert Carpenter (BertCarpenter)
#37 ranked lender in Arizona - 2,431 contributions

Unfortunately, what you are experiencing appears to be fairly normal. Do they want your home? Probably not, but that doesn't mean it won't happen. I think the best thing you could have done is make contact with the FNMA counselor and continue working with the Executive office. Provide them with everything they ask for as quickly as you can. Although they are not the end all, several years ago, I had an issue with Wells. After several months of fighting with the underlings, I managed to make contact with the Executive Office, and the problem was resolved in a matter of a couple of days. I know it can be frustrating, but hang in there. The Executive office should have some clout to get the auction date pushed back, especially if you have been working for the last ten months and the delays are not of your doing. Here in Arizona, we have a couple of TV stations that are always looking for consumer stories. You may want to give that a try as well. It's amazing what a little egg on the face (or threat of it) can do. Good luck to you. ~ Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z team of NOVA Home Loans ~ NMLS 40586 ~

Feb 21st 2012
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