What is the required down payment if I want to buy a duplex if I am a first time home buyer and don't want to occupy it? I am interested in a property in Madison wi. by b.duff_283_906 from Hartford, Wisconsin. Jul 20th 2012
USDA-RD and VA are "no money down" loan programs... but a property in Madison isn't going to be eligible for the USDA loan and if you're not eligible for a VA (Dept of Veterans Affairs) loan then you'd need to look at the FHA loan that Andrea mentions here. The GREAT thing about using FHA for a duplex purchase is that you can use the "rental income" on the 2nd unit as "qualifying income" to purchase the house. Its all about the details... drop me a line for more details: Steve@YourFavoriteMortgageGuy.com #261849
If you don't intend to occupy the property, you will need a minimum of 20% and preferrably 25% down. .... I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714 WilliamAcres.com
If you are NOT going to occupy the property, standard conventional financial requires 20% down. You might some non-traditional options with just 10% down. www.wi-mortgagebroker.com
If you do not plan to live in the property it will be considered an investment and thus you may have to put between 20-25% down. And credit score requirements may be higher.
It depends on your loan program that you go with. As long as you occupy it, you can choose an FHA loan for 3.5% down or conventional at 3-5% down. Please call if you have any questions! I would be happy to answer them for you!Sincerely,Andrea DrabMortgage Headquarters920-491-0100NMLS #265686
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