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Real estate industry in the digital era?

Real estate industry in the digital era: Tips for realtors

In the 21st century, the internet and digitization have turned everything digital. Multiple businesses become part of e-commerce. The last two decades can be labeled as the decades of the digital revolution. But the advent of virtualization has increased the competition, as the opportunities have grown to such an extent that every individual joined different e-commerce industries to earn a profit. The case of the real estate industry is no different. If we look at the previous two decades, we will figure out that the industry was totally dependent on the real estate agents to sell/purchase the property. The agents were in control of the industry. But, the internet and specifically online property portals turned the table. Many realtors who are not accepting the dominance of these portals are getting out of the game. So, to stay in the market and to survive in the long run, you need to embrace digitalization. You will have to use different online property portals for listing your properties. 

by Muhammad Saqlain from Rawalpindi, Indiana. Dec 29th 2020 Reply

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