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strange situation! I need extra income to be approved. $18/hr. DTI 15%, listed $95,000

My aunt does not want to be a co-signer. She will be gifting me $100,000 to keep in my savings acct. She also agreed to wire me monthly installs to help with mortgage payments monthly, $2,500 every month. She will notarize this agreement. How can I get qualified? by drkat.simmons183 from Redrock, New Mexico. Sep 20th 2019 Reply

Ray Antonelli (Focused)
#68 ranked lender in Ohio - 66 contributions

What are your scores?

Sep 20th 2019
Sara Deere (Mortgagequeen2)
#16 ranked lender in Missouri - 608 contributions

For a 95K loan $2,500 each month payment seems really high. I would consider another type of loan program.

Sep 25th 2019
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