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I already have a FHA loan on my home but would like to get a 2nd as a co nonoccupant FHA loan for my son and his new wife.

by jojeflor523 from San Antonio, Texas. Mar 30th 2018 Reply

Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,843 contributions

Generally speaking, FHA is a one loan at a time product. But there is the possible exception for a small number of things. I know for sure I have closed one where the party was already a non-occupant co-signor, but was buying their own home to occupy. Not sure of the other way around like you are asking. For FHA loans in MN, WI, and SD, visit me at

Apr 3rd 2018
Gregg Pomeroy (G.Pomeroy)
#49 ranked lender in Connecticut - 13 contributions

Hello, it is possible depending on the details. If FHA wouldn't work you can possible cosign under another program that would only require 5% down payment. I would really need more details to come up with options. We can lend nationwide. If you have any questions you are welcome to reach out to me at 203-299-2034, you can call or text that number day or night. Im available via email as well at: My website is:

Apr 5th 2018
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