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Question about bad credit mortgage companies

I read an article on this site about bad credit mortgage brokers.... I have 2 questions . 1. Are there really any bad credit mortgages companies out there? I'm rebuilding from a financial/credit collapse (never we b/k or foreclosed) during the recession ... I had a $250000 FHA 4.75 x30 yr all set up , and made an offer on a home ...and now the lender is back peddling . I need to find an alternative . 2. Do you have a list of such lenders that service PA? Thank you for your help , kind regards Jeremy by jeremybickling859 from Bradford, Pennsylvania. Sep 26th 2013 Reply

Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Bad credit loans really don't exist... Unfortunately, about 80% of Loan Officers are really just applications takers who promise the world. Loans don't generally fall apart later on. This usually means the Loan Officer did a poor job of initially reviewing the file, and now those issues are being discovered during underwriting. Talk to another licensed mortgage broker in your area for a second opinion. In MN and WI, visit

Sep 27th 2013
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

Unfortunately, this happens quite a bit.. however without knowing all the detail of your particular scenario, it's hard to say if we can help or not.. everyone's definition of "Bad Credit" is going to be different.. that's why there are credit scores, and lenders have minimum allowable credit scores.. If you click the "Community" tab to your right, and select "find a lender".. you should come up with a list of lenders in your area.. try reaching out to one of those folks and let them look at your complete profile.. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714

Sep 27th 2013

Hi Jeremy,I am a licensed mortgage broker and have lenders that will go as low as 560. If you would like a free consultation I'd be happy to discuss. I can be reached at 610-296-9400 x101 or I'll look forward to speaking with you. Thank you, Michael Izzi

Sep 26th 2013

Hello Jeremy, I'm licensed in PA and have over 20 different lender. Give me a call or shoot me a email and we can go into details about your situation. ThanksBrian Devlin7th Level Mortgagebdevlin@7thlvl.com856-324-6749WWW.7THLVL.COM

Sep 26th 2013
Dave Metsker (DaveMetsker)
#35 ranked lender in Oregon - 2,318 contributions

Contact the good guys on this forum.

Sep 26th 2013

Hello Jeremy,I am Licensed in PA and was one of the nations top originators last year. I am a direct lender. We will do everything we can to get you into the loan that fits your needs. I wont need to look in 20 different places and lose control of your file. We will handle it in house and treat you with the respect that you deserve. Contact me and ill get you into that mortgage faster than you would think. 267-296-9185.

Sep 27th 2013
Phil Dumouchel (PhilDu)
#32 ranked lender in South Carolina - 2,249 contributions

Any recommendation would require a lot more info. Find out specifically why they are backpeddaling and check with other lenders for a work around. If your problems are too recent it can be difficult to get an approval. Nothing else available will be as flexible as a FHA loan, at least not without a significant downpayment. I lend in PA and would be happy to look at your situation but the details really make a difference. note, we have a 620 min score for FHA but there are lenders who will go lower, but getting approved is not easy.

Sep 27th 2013
David Ortega (DavidOrtega)
#51 ranked lender in Minnesota - 231 contributions

There are hard money investors still around, as well as private investors but, you may not need to go to that extent. If we were operating in PA, I'd ask to take a look at your deal but, unfortunately we do not. Shop around.....I know there are traditional FHA lenders out there accepting 560 credit scores, as well as adopting the new FHA extenuating circumstance allowing an exception to the traditional waiting periods for BK and foreclosure though, you've stated you do not have this at all.

Sep 27th 2013
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