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Need No doc loan in California

I have excellent credit and enough downpayment to make, but need a "No Doc" loan. I am looking for lenders now.Any information will help... by maki4361887 from , California. Dec 18th 2013 Reply

Robert Hanson (rhanson)
#38 ranked lender in Maryland - 646 contributions

Unfortunately this is a non-starter for the most part. The only possible option that I am aware of is where your assets are amortized in effect and considerd as potential income to qualify you for the loan. As you might imagine as they are looking at a 15 to 30 year commitment, the amount of assets required is substantial. And frankly, these loans have a very low percentage close rate. That being said, I am always happy to assist whether I work on your financing or not; So if you need more information, a pre-qualification, or a competing rate quote you can go to my web page and use my live support button to discuss or get advice on anything at all with me. Web Address is: Email is and direct phone is 240-752-7549. Good Luck -- Rob Hanson

Dec 19th 2013
Jamie Lynne (nationwidelenderforyou)
#137 ranked lender in Texas - 576 contributions

We offer no doc, stated and bank statement loans NATIONWIDE. Feel free to contact me at 800 315 8803. I have been lending since 1989 and I am happy to answer your questions, 7 days a week. Until then, I look forward to hearing from you. Jamie Lynne, 800 315 8803,,, Lending Since 1989

Dec 19th 2013
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

The Financial Reform Bill HR4173 signed into law by President Obama on 8/1/10 outlaws stated income and no doc loans.Section 1411 reads: "'(4) INCOME VERIFICATION.-A creditor making a residential mortgage loan shall verify amounts of income or assets that such creditor relies on to determine repayment ability, including expected income or assets, by reviewing the consumer's Internal Revenue Service Form W-2, tax returns, payroll receipts, financial institution records, or other third-party documents that provide reasonably reliable evidence of the consumer's income or assets..." Do you still think there are Stated Income Loans available? So here's the deal.. some hard money lenders interpret this law very broadly, so they can still do it within the law, but it's at a very high cost.. most lenders offering this type of loan product will charge absorbent fees, much higher rates, and much lower loan to values (more $$ down).. There are lending programs where you can use an asset such as a brokerage account as income so long as it can be amortized for at least 36 months, and keep you within the allowable debt to income ratios.. some lenders will allow this type of asset as a supplement to other income, but most will allow it to be your only source of income.. .. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. William J. Acres, Lender411's number ONE lender in Arizona. 480-287-5714

Dec 19th 2013
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

True no documentation loans do not exist anymore (ie: liar loans). All lenders are required to use something standard to determine your ability to pay. The standard documents include pay stubs, tax returns, proof of job / income, etc. If you are a really strong client, have good assets, a big down payment, and a very logical reason why you can't prove income the traditional way, you may have slight change with some high cost hard money lenders. They run on the edges of the law to make it work, but if they say yes... They'll make you pay for privilege. Good luck

Dec 19th 2013
Brian Nguyen (hightouchlending)
#967 ranked lender in California - 8 contributions

There are lenders like myself that offer No Doc loans. These type of loans do not require a verification of your income. For many people this is a very beneficial loan because of this aspect. This is definitely a loan to consider but can require a large down payment. The best thing for you to do is to speak with a lender like myself that can offer these types of loans. I would be glad to speak with you to give you more information about these loans. If you have any more questions or if you would like a loan, feel free to contact me.Brian Nguyen949.667.2887

Dec 23rd 2013
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