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Need advice on Low Lot appraised value for construction to perm loan

We have been approved for our construction to perm loan. The sales price is $319,000. The lot value came in at $48,000 & the overall value of lot + house (once it's built) came in at $327,000. The lender has to loan on the appraised value or the value of the lot, whichever is less. The builder needed the lot to appraise for $70,000 so as not to upset their recent sales of lots in the neighborhood which typically are end loans and not construction to perm loans. By the lot showing on records as sold for $48,000 instead of $70,000, the builder is concerned it will mess up his future sales. I understand the builder's position, but they are actually the ones who recommended we do the construction to perm loan. We are already putting down 20% and paying CC & pre-paids, so we can't make up the difference in cash and don't think we should have to. Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas on how this can work for both buyer & builder (seller) as we want this house and have a loan ready to close. Thanks! by homeswithnewman931 from Palmetto, Florida. Oct 17th 2013 Reply

There is nothing you can do change the appraised value of the lot. Paying the difference of the sales price and appraised value of the lot will not change the fact that the appraisal is at $48,000. One option to look at if you want to pay the difference is to lower the price of the home by that same amount in order to maintain the total combined price. Please contact me if you would like further explanation. ThanksHome 1st LendingMark Asaad407-221-9531

Oct 17th 2013
Dave Metsker (DaveMetsker)
#35 ranked lender in Oregon - 2,318 contributions

Close the lot at $70,000, even if you need to bring in $30,000 at closing. Have builder credit you on the construction portion $30,000, as a prepaid allowance. Similar to Asaad, but may be easier for the closing agent.

Oct 17th 2013
Elden Lewis (elewis_409_299)
#41 ranked lender in Indiana - 223 contributions

This is a rather complicated answer to a complicated question and requires more information. First, I will assume the $319,000 does not include the lot. So the value needed with the house and the lot is $319,000 + 70,000 = $389,000. I also assume that you are buying the lot and house from the builder. So it appears you have a value $327,000 and that means you are short $62,000 in overall value. You can dispute the value of the appraisal with the lender but you will need to do your homework before do that. If the builder has sold lots in the past in the $70,000 range he should be able to provide you with recent comparable sales of those properties. If you know of any Realtors in the area that can find you comparable sales of properties (house and lot) similar in size and price ($389,000) that the appraiser did not use, you can provide them to the lender for consideration of increase of value or a new appraisal by a different appraiser. Not all appraisers are created equal. Its a process and will take some time so don't expect to close anytime real soon. As lenders we are now restricted in our contact with appraisers for fear we may unduly influence the value just to make the deal work. Thats why you or someone else must support any increase in value with supporting evidence that the appraiser may have missed or chose not to use. We have the Dodd / Frank Act to thank for that.

Oct 17th 2013
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

Unfortunately neither you nor your builder can change the fact that recent sold comparable lots are in the high $40K's.. but too much info is missing to properly advise you... Did you already own the lot prior to construction? If so, what did you pay for it?? If the lot and home are all inclusive and your sale price was set at $319K, then regardless of what the lot value is, your down payment will be 20% of $319K. .. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714

Oct 17th 2013
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