Check if your loan is eligible at Your loan has to be endorsed by Fannie Mae before May 31st 2009
Hello, I would think you should be able to do a HARP, surprised your current servicer has not reached out to you ! I am sure any of us would be happy to chat with you about it...there is never any obligation...feel free to reach out to me or any of the good people here at Lender 411..Steve Karp cell...781-640-5592email
hi there:once you check on your endorsement date etc with the link provided by Chris to qualify, find out what loan to value you currently have. Our bank lending nationwide can go unlimited with parameters. Appraisal at times can be waived also per automated underwriting. Feel free to ask more questions if you'd like. Mike (703 505 5300) NLMS 754875
Your loan has to be closed by Fannie Mae before May 31, 2009 and you can only HARP one time. So if you did HARP 1 you are out of luck
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