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my credit score is good and make an above average income and have no bills but I show some late payments on my student loan in the last six months, can I still get mortgage loan?

by familyfirst from San Antonio, Texas. Jun 1st 2010 Reply

Gregorio Denny (GVDenny)
#257 ranked lender in California - 380 contributions

It's certainly possible to get a mortgage with late payments, it would just depend on how many, how late and how long ago. It's not possible to answer for sure without actually seeing what is on your credit report, but it's certainly worth investigating. Applying for a mortgage should not carry a cost other that possibly a small fee for the credit report, therefore it might be a good idea for you to contact a local loan officer in Texas and see if you qualify. Gregorio Denny --WeFixRates.Com --

Jun 1st 2010
Akali Dennie (adennie)
#54 ranked lender in Florida - 196 contributions

Well, to properly answer your question, it would depend on what is your credit score and how many late payments. Why are the student loan payments late? If your credit score is over 620 and you have a strong letter of explanation for the late payments AND you are presently current on your student loan, it MAY be possible to qualify for an FHA loan. Also, if you have a large down payment, strong work history, high credit score or 6 months reserves apart from your downpayment, this may be viewed as Compensating Factors. I am available by email with any further questions. Hope this helps.

Jun 1st 2010
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