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looking at small trailer homes. will be my 1st purchase.

What is the shortest term mortgage I can get? by brenner.gemmell364 from Tallahassee, Florida. Mar 4th 2020 Reply

Good morning, I too submitted as question here on this site, and I scrolled down to see who else submitted questions an I came upon yours an thought I'd like to give my opinion if it would help? if you are looking for a short term mortgage this is perfect!! I'm planning "MAYBE" to but a used mobile home if I sell my home an just pay it off an not worry about a monthly mortgage payments accept the space an the mobile home insurance. Here in Southern CA the Mobile homes are less expensive I think that would be perfect for me cuz Im not a spring chicken any more an I'm gonna be 62 this summer I'm really thinking about doing this. Good luck on your decision Brenner

Mar 9th 2020
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