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Lender411 is posted on why should we trust you?

Lender411 is posted on why should we trust you? by james_850_592 from , . Mar 10th 2013 Reply

Rocky Foroutan (RockyForoutan)
#0 ranked lender in California - 441 contributions

Hello James, thanks for your question. My name is Rocky Foroutan and I am the CEO of From what I understand, is a website that displays public records and any complaints / lawsuits about different lenders online in order to warn consumers against such lenders. The reason that we are on that site is that back in 2011, was contacted by Commissioner of Banks in Massachusetts on whether or not we had license to do reverse mortgages in that state. The reason they contacted in the first place was because of our good rankings on google search results when consumers searched for "Massachusetts reverse mortgage". We prepared a response quickly and replied to the Commissioner that we are just a referral website and we do not do any lending. However, in order to prevent any confusion this might cause, we cleared out our Massachusetts reverse mortgage page altogether. We take our reputation very seriously and ethics and transparency is central to all our business goals. Please feel free to ask any other questions or concerns you might have.

Mar 10th 2013
Carlo Sanchez (MortgageLendingPro)
#0 ranked lender in Utah - 1,163 contributions

Lender11 doesn't do any lending except provide information just like a library or wikipedia! Theryare just a referral sight to ask questions by borrowers and to find a lender in your state! There isn't any other website that I know of that a consumer can go and ask a mortgage question and get an answer from several lenders in the industry. Unfortunately with websites like there is no oversight or review/retraction process and if someone doesn't like you they can unjustifiably post anything on those types of websites for the stupidest things. For example I know a guy that made in onto one of those types of websites because he didn't wear a suit to work one day when the client stopped in to see him unannounced - Stupid but true and the website wouldn't retract it!! See what I mean? If you want to get a feel of company read the testimonials posted on the website and with Lender411 read the Top Lender Interviews and see what the the Lenders from across the country say about the website.

Mar 11th 2013
Phil Dumouchel (PhilDu)
#32 ranked lender in South Carolina - 2,249 contributions

James, great info above - it's all about the individuals who you do business with. Each of the individual loan officers here are promoting themselves and their personal business - and hoping to earn the trust of additional borrowers. We are not affiliated with each other and sometimes even disagree (usually slightly) based on the type of lender we represent and our individual loan options. Sometimes we even recommend that a person inquiring check with lenders who are not represented on this site or at least not answering their question. Anyone doing business on the internet needs to take responsibility for checking out the company and/or individual they are considering doing business with

Mar 11th 2013
Dave Metsker (DaveMetsker)
#35 ranked lender in Oregon - 2,318 contributions

Thanks, Rocky, for that transparent report.

Mar 11th 2013
Peter Botros (PeterBotros)
#70 ranked lender in New York - 895 contributions

Lender411 is not a lender, just a forum.

Mar 11th 2013

Rocky I just read the repose to your post on, your reputation does look good. Rocky with Lender411 IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH... First- A community-based web portal should not connect borrowers to criminals that are breaking the LAW. Second- The wealth of information thru our content rocky is offering was found to be misleading and or completely wrong. This wealth of information that Rocky is offering could help cause Senior Citizens to lose their homes. God, we do not need seniors living on the street because of wealth of information Third- Does their enhance the online mortgage shopping experience mean (1) Their BREAKING law with their illegal service for a profit; (2) Connecting borrowers with criminals; (3) Giving out bad information that could cause a foreclosure; (4) Making a profit selling marketing to criminals and screwing the borrowers; (5) did not willfully stop their illegal service. The STATE ordered them to closed down. did not want the state to go after them for his and or their illegal service. In Rockys response he is not being Transparency or Ethical. Based on Rockys reply borrowers and real lenders do not need this kind of bad portal. It sound like using may cause a lot of Problems, Borrowers being connected to a criminal, Loss, and Heart aches.

May 14th 2013
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