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Lender Mortgage Modification Fee Tax Deductible?

My lender holds their mortgages in portfolio and has a retention program that allows you to MODIFY (not refinance) your mortgage for a fee. Is that fee tax deductible? by atguarino from Cary, North Carolina. Aug 18th 2010 Reply

Brett Pehrson (brettpehrson)
#19 ranked lender in Utah - 228 contributions

You'll need to confirm this with your tax advisor, but a lot of it will have to do with how it shows on the paperwork. I also prepare taxes, though, and my best guess from what you're saying is that no, it won't be deductible unless you're "modifying" an investment property.

Aug 18th 2010
Matt Davis (Matt Davis)
#151 ranked lender in California - 52 contributions

You would need to check with your tax advisor for tax related advice, however, lenders should not be charging for modification programs, it was typically only done by companies assisting you in the process..

Aug 18th 2010
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