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I've had two late payments in the past year...can I not refinance?

Desperate...please help, thanks! by MikeBirg from , . Jun 14th 2013 Reply

Manuel Gonzalez (mmortgage1)
#90 ranked lender in New Jersey - 90 contributions

Depends on how long its been since your last late payment.

Jun 14th 2013
Christopher Arco (1stNationwide)
#174 ranked lender in California - 55 contributions

You need at least 12 months since a late mortgage payment in order to qualify on a new loan.

Jun 14th 2013
Dave Metsker (DaveMetsker)
#35 ranked lender in Oregon - 2,318 contributions

You will need 12 months of no 30-day lates.

Jun 14th 2013
Tracy Davis (TracyD)
#36 ranked lender in Indiana - 9 contributions

What is the reason for the late payments? Usually you need to wait until you have been on time for 12 months on your payment. Was you payments more than 30 day? If they were not more than 30 days than it is fine.

Jun 14th 2013
Lynda Mckenzie (Lyndamck)
#10 ranked lender in Rhode Island - 33 contributions

Mike,Your question raises a question from me.Where you late on your mortgage or some other type of account? Typically lenders prefer that you not be late within the last twelve months on your mortgage. However, with a DU Approve/Eligible recommendation, you will be OK to proceed. This means if the loan officer runs your profile through the automated system, and gets and approved/eligible you may be ok to do the refinance.The underwriter will need to review your total financial profile before rendering a decision. Your credit profile needs to tell him/her a story. Such as you were always on time with your payments and during a specific time period for a specific reason, you were late. Late payments on other forms of credit is not automatic elimination for financing.

Jun 14th 2013
Richard Airey (richardairey)
#3 ranked lender in Maine - 662 contributions

Depends on the late payment... was it on a mortgage or another type of loan? If it was on a mortgage you are out of luck for 12 mos. If not, contact a local mortgage professional and have them run your scenario. They will be able to give you accurate information the same day and let you know if you qualify based on your particulars. Good luck!

Jun 14th 2013

Really it depends on what instituition you use for your refinance, feel free to give me a call as there are some very minor things we can do to get you past this to refi.

Jun 14th 2013
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Generally speaking, more than two 30-day late payments, or one 60-day late payment within the past 12 months ON YOUR MORTGAGE is cause for denial. Two late payments on other accounts are not likely to cause too much trouble.

Jun 15th 2013
Michael Kirkutis (MichaelKirkutis)
#33 ranked lender in Connecticut - 13 contributions

Every mortgage lender will have credit guidelines and usually anything over 1 mortgage late in the last 12 months will not work. Some mortgage lenders will not allow any mortgage late payments in the last 12 months. I am a CT licensed mortgage loan originator only. Michael A. Kirkutis, CT DOB NMLS #111599. MAK Mortgage Company, Inc., 31 Woodland St., Suite MMA, Hartford, CT, 06105. CT DOB NMLS #103552, MORTGAGE BROKER ONLY, NOT A MORTGAGE LENDER OR MORTGAGE CORRRESPONDENT LENDER.

Jun 15th 2013
Ron Wohlfarth (RonWohlfarth)
#34 ranked lender in New Jersey - 65 contributions

Good Morning Mike Birg...I agree with Michael Kirkutis, mortgage late's within the current year are a problem...Why the desperate statement ???Contact us to discuss a possible Mortgage

Jun 15th 2013
Karen Keaton (KarenK)
#47 ranked lender in Indiana - 9 contributions

Late payments kill the deal!

Jun 15th 2013
Karen Keaton (KarenK)
#47 ranked lender in Indiana - 9 contributions

Late payments kill the deal!

Jun 15th 2013
Sara Deere (Mortgagequeen2)
#15 ranked lender in Missouri - 608 contributions

If you are reverse mortgage eligible, two late payments on accounts other than a mortgage is not a complete deal breaker

Jun 15th 2013
Bert Carpenter (BertCarpenter)
#37 ranked lender in Arizona - 2,431 contributions

There are no traditional lenders that will overlook late payments on a mortgage. Best advice I can give you is stop being late, wait 12 months and try again. ~ Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z team of NOVA Home Loans ~ NMLS 40586 ~ Certified by the National Association of Mortgage Professionals and Licensed in California and Arizona ~ Licensed in California and Arizona ~ 888-889-9950

Jun 16th 2013
Bert Carpenter (BertCarpenter)
#37 ranked lender in Arizona - 2,431 contributions

There are no traditional lenders that will overlook late payments on a mortgage. Best advice I can give you is stop being late, wait 12 months and try again. ~ Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z team of NOVA Home Loans ~ NMLS 40586 ~ Certified by the National Association of Mortgage Professionals and Licensed in California and Arizona ~ Licensed in California and Arizona ~ 888-889-9950

Jun 16th 2013

A written explanation is required on mortgages with a 1x30 within the past 12 monthso If mortgage history is > 1x30 within the past 12 months, a written explanation is required AND o The late payment must be an isolated event in order for the Underwriter to approve with compensating factors.

Jun 22nd 2013
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