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Issue with schedule of closing

Hi, so I'm moving from Phoenix to Milwaukee. I’ve accepted an offer for my new job in Wisconsin and I can prove this by showing my offer letter. I’ve been prequalified for the loan amount but there’s an issue with the schedule of the closing. My lender called recently, and told me that I need to physically work a day at my new job before they’ll let me close on the home. This sucks because that means I’ll either have to stay in a hotel or live with a friend in Milwaukee for a bit. Is there a way to solve my problem? by mbswan864 from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Jul 11th 2022 Reply

Dave Skow (daveskow)
#15 ranked lender in Washington - 453 contributions

Most lenders will require that you have started before your loan can close ...have you already purchased a home ? ( you dont specifically say this ) if you have - whats the start date of the job and when it the ideal closing date for the home ? if possible make these dates as close as possible. depending on the siutation you can ask the sellers ( and agents if " early ofcuupnacy " is an option due to your circumstances ..this means moving in before closing and most realtors are not fans of this . its a good thing you have options in case you will need a place for a few days

Jul 12th 2022
Joe Becker (JoeBecker)
#57 ranked lender in Minnesota - 64 contributions

This is very possible depending on the loan type. Best bet is to stick with you plan of moving in with a friend for a short period of time.

21 days ago
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