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Is there a lender who'd be willing to give me a NON-Binding evaluation of the financials for a commercial property in Jackson, MS

There is a commercial property that I am interested in purchasing in Jackson, MS. The seller and I disagree on price, and I was wondering if your commercial lending representatives would be willing to help me by offering an independent evaluation of the property financials and offer a non-binding and non-commital letter stating that your institution would be willing to lend $x,xxx,xxx.00 based on the financials if we assumed a 20% down payment I have access to the past 3 years of financials for this property--which I will share with your representatives provided they agree not to compete, disclose with 3rd parties, or share the information as it is sensitive for the seller; I have permission to share this information with lending institutions provided they agree to the above. Aside from just getting a letter, if the seller and I can agree on price, I would be interested in getting quotes from your institution for the purchase of the property, and would consider working with your financial institution to secure a Commercial and/or SBA loan. I was wondering if you would be willing to review the financials and give a NON-COMMITTAL letter stating the valuation based on the financials of what the commercial property is worth. I want this to be fair and unbiased towards me or the seller--just what the property would be evaluated at by an independent 3rd party. The letter does not need to be lengthy, nor does it need to spell out all of the terms, just something like: ------------To Whom It May Concern, Our Commercial Lending Department has reviewed the financials for the property (without disclosure to 3rd parties) as part of his company's evaluation of the property. Based on the financials provided by the seller, we offer a NON-BINDING and NON-COMMITTAL evaluation that the property is worth $X,XXX,XXX.00 Respectfully,------------ Please let me know if this would be possible. Thank you, by lavenderpropertie... from , California. Feb 11th 2021 Reply

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