No such thing as a ZERO cost loan.. you can however select a rate higher than par, and get a credit from the lender to pay for the costs associated with refinancing, or you could pay the costs yourself by either bringing cash to close or finance the costs into your new loan.. but in any scenario, its you the home owner paying the costs.. anyone tells you differently, they are lying. Refinancing is usually not that expensive, and the costs are no different on HARP, in fact, if your file qualifies for an "appraisal waiver", your costs could actually be less using HARP, but depending on which type of loan you have now and who owns it (Freddie or Fannie) could have a difference in the interest rate.. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714
Rates have increased since late May. However, zero closing cost refinance (HARP or otherwise) are always available. If you wish to have truly zero closing costs, then your rate will be higher in order for the lender to cover your closing costs. In order to get the lowest rate, you have the option to roll your closing costs into the new loan, or pay the closing costs out of pocket.
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