Unfortunately, with HARP refinance transactions, it's one and done.. You are only allowed to use it one time per property.. However, if you have sufficient equity, or there's enough savings in the rate, then you are not restricted from doing a "rate and term" refinance.. so you could go that route if it would net you a savings.. Try contacting a local mortgage broker and let them look at your complete loan scenario.. once they see the complete picture, only then will you know.. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. William J. Acres, Lender411's number ONE lender in Arizona. 480-287-5714 WilliamAcres.com NMLS# 226347
Gloria, William hit the nail on the head. Question though?..... Is your rate that bad that you require refinance this soon, or is it that your circumstances just are not allowing you to comfortably pay your mortgage. Though I may be way out in left field, I am going to say that if this is true, seek help early. I am also a REALTOR who specializes in short sales and notice of defaults and hear very frequently from borrowers in default, that they should have acted sooner. With that said find a local loan professional in your area with a great reputation for client service and also one who is knowledgeable regarding HARP, refinance and loan distress. I may be barking up the wrong tree and hopefully I am, but if it rings true, go find that person to give you a hand. Talking is free and a good loan professional will be glad to assist you and answer any and all of your questions. All the best, Scott.
Hi Gloria, As William already mentioned below, you can only use a HARP refinance loan 1 time. However that doesn't mean there aren't other potential options you can still look at. If you'd like some quick and free advice on all of the remaining potential options, I'd be happy to chat with you. I am a C.T. lender. Send me your contact info to jarred@betterfinancing.net and I'll reach out to you tomorrow. Or you can call me at 866-640-5513. Talk soon, Jarred
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