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Is it legal for a lender to ask for more money after closing papers are signed?

The Title company just called my friend and said she had to pay an additional $575.00. She signed closing papers two days ago and has been waiting for the recording so she can have the keys. She has been told that the lender is requesting this money. It is FHA and she has more than met the 3.5% requirement. by kristin.johns from Newhall, California. Jun 3rd 2010 Reply

Gregorio Denny (GVDenny)
#257 ranked lender in California - 380 contributions

Actually, the answer is yes. Yes, they can ask you for anything that was disclosed to you on the HUD you signed at closing. It has happened before that there has been an error in calculation and a simple mistake was made on the funds needed to close. If this is the case and you knew about it, but it was not asked for at closing, but caught before recording; you most certainly need to pay it. If however, they are tacking on a new fee that was never disclosed; then this is not allowed and is a RESPA violation. Check the HUD-1 you received at closing and see if the fee is there. If it is; you owe; If not, you don't.

Jun 3rd 2010
Jerry Gensel (jgensel)
#265 ranked lender in California - 1 contribution

No it is not. Are they living in the 1980's?

Jun 3rd 2010
Akali Dennie (adennie)
#54 ranked lender in Florida - 196 contributions

The answer give by GVDenny is 100% correct. Most likely an error was made at the closing and enough money was not collected. You can bet the lender is not trying to tack on a new fee but merely having you pay what has already been disclosed to you. Please check your initial disclosures and the HUD-1. I am sure the title company can explain where the $575 figure comes from. Hope this helps.

Jun 3rd 2010
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