It looks as if they concentrate on loan modifications? Is this what you are looking at them for? If so, make sure that you have had someone check out whether you have other options such as refinancing first. Modifying is ok if other avenues don't pan out, but don't start with that option... As far as wether they are reputable, I have no idea. You are correct to be very careful in this area, howevre, and do not give any money upfront.... I'm happy to help with the financing or just give you advice. So if you need more information, or a competing rate quote call, email or use my live support button to discuss or get in touch with me. Web Address is: Email is and direct phone is 240-752-7549. Good Luck -- Rob Hanson
You can check with the Pennsylvania Dept of Banking ( they have toll free hotline ) ...additionally, each Loan Officer has a unique NMLS # which can be checked online at www.NMLSconsumeraccess.orgThe NMLS # is a nationwide database that allows interested parties to check the credentials of loan professionals.
Great answers already. A one page website seems a little odd any reputable mortgage company or loan officer. No physical address and they don't have the required disclosures or compliance info on their site either if they are indeed a "lending partner". This is not to say there is no chance they are legitimate, but it should certainly raise more questions than it answers.
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