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I'm looking to remodel my home, what are my loan options?

Im interested in finding a loan to finance remodeling my home, the project shouldn't take more than a 1-2 years. I need the best rate possible by sallyprts768 from Mammoth, Arizona. Mar 9th 2015 Reply

Jared Thom (
#144 ranked lender in Arizona - 6 contributions

If you have good credit, income, and equity in your home and are able to refinance your current first mortgage to take cash out for the remodel, then that would probably be your best long term option. Your next best option would be to talk with a local credit union or bank about a HELOC to get you the cash for the remodel. This is a good short term option, but with talk of rates beginning to rise in the near future, you would want to make sure this you are diligent about paying the HELOC back as soon as possible.

Mar 9th 2015
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

Many options available.. 203K, 203K streamline, HomeStyle renovation loan, 2nd mortgage, HELOC, cash out refinance, etc.. each loan has different costs and fees, as well as different rates.. if your serious about doing something.. you'll need to go about it the ole fashioned way.. Pick Up The Phone,,, and call a local mortgage broker and let him look at your complete loan scenario.. only then will you get an accurate quote.. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. William J. Acres, Lender411's number ONE lender in Arizona. 480-287-5714

Mar 9th 2015
Derick Condron (rightstartoregon)
#30 ranked lender in Oregon - 598 contributions

On a long term project like that you are going to probably find two options with lenders.1) if you have the equity in the property do a cash out refinance to cover the cost of the work.2) Obtain a HELOC on the property to complete the work and once you have the project done do a refinance to pay off the work.

Mar 9th 2015
Phil Dumouchel (PhilDu)
#32 ranked lender in South Carolina - 2,249 contributions

Renovation loans will not allow that much time (usually maximum of 6 months) so either a home equity loan or a cash out refinance are your best options, unless the scope of work fits a construction loan. Talk to a lender that offers all these options and explain what you want to do. Keep in mind that many lenders will not allow you do do your own renovations (if using a renovation or construction loan) I can do either, or cash out refinancing, but do not offer HELOC's - good luck!

Mar 9th 2015
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