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I'm completely upside down on my condo and I've only been paying interest- can I refi??

I have not been paying principal. I need help, obviously. My rate is 6.375 and I'd like to have a lower rate for 30 years. by jonfarrow78 from Witchita, Kansas. Aug 27th 2013 Reply

There are a few options that may be available to you (HARP). I would be more than happy to look into it for you, just go to and use the apply now feature.

Aug 27th 2013

Yes if you are HARP eligibleHttp://

Aug 27th 2013
Sara Deere (Mortgagequeen2)
#15 ranked lender in Missouri - 608 contributions

I realize that you are not reverse mortgage age eligible, so I am unable to help you at this time. My suggestion is also to check to see if you are HARP eligible.

Aug 27th 2013
Pete Bass (PeteBass)
#30 ranked lender in Connecticut - 476 contributions

Check to see if your loan qualifies for a Home Affordable ( HARP) program with a local lender or one of the loan officers here on 411 that services Kansas.

Aug 28th 2013
Elden Lewis (elewis_409_299)
#41 ranked lender in Indiana - 223 contributions

It looks like there are a couple of people here that have responded to your question that can help. Rates are on the rise so you need to act fast.

Aug 28th 2013

Look up these links and type in your address. It should tell you if your loan is owned by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae. If they are, you may be eligible for Freddie Relief or Du Refi Plus programs. There are restrictions on both and are different for some banks according to the investors they use. My bank can go to 200% loan to value on Harp programs. Let me know if you would like further help. ThanksLINKS ARE: and

Aug 28th 2013
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