Mid-October I closed on a home refinance but my bank wants to do a reappraisal because of the damage from hurricane sandy. Is there any recourse or am I simply stuck? by MSislak from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Nov 2nd 2012
If you closed in October then it's over and done, that doesn't make any sense because they can't change the terms now. What are they telling you they are going to do with this new appraisal?
Ya.. Makes no sense at all... if they want to appraise, that's fine.. But if the loan has funded and recorded, then they cannot change the terms of your loan agreement.. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714 WilliamAcres.com
That doesn't make sense, because they're bound by the terms of the Note you signed, and Title has already recorded. However, Lenders are requiring homeowners to get their homes inspected, and possibly reappraised, if they were in the 3 day right of recession period. But you're saying your loan closed two weeks ago, so that wouldn't apply to you.I'd tell them "no", our deal was completed weeks before Sandy arrived. Today, we're both bound by the terms of the Note and nothing can change that.
It is VERY COMMOM in areas of major disaster to want to re-verify a homes condition BEFORE a closing. The loan is CLOSED, so this makes no sense whatsoever. The deal is done.
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