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I nee to find a mortgage lender whom I can trust to tell me the truth in applying for a va loan or I should say I need to qualify

by italion10919 from , Florida. Sep 21st 2014 Reply

Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

It is really sad to hear your feel mortgage lenders are not trust worthy. The reality is that from about 2000 to 2006, an lot of untrustworthy people we in the business. The bulk of them are long gone, and there are plenty of new rules to keep them away. Sadly, a few snakes have managed to stick around. Therefore I suggest reading this article on how to shop for a mortgage lender:

Sep 22nd 2014

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Sep 21st 2014
Pete Bass (PeteBass)
#30 ranked lender in Connecticut - 476 contributions

You should feel comfortable in your choice for a mortgage loan officer. I would be glad to help you- email me at

Sep 21st 2014
Barb Lanis (BarbLanis)
#69 ranked lender in Illinois - 679 contributions

Start by contacting 3-4 loan officers to interview them. Yes, explain what you are looking to do that many times. After you are off the phone, you will know which one is best suited for you!

Sep 21st 2014
Michael Patterson (MichaelPatterson)
#51 ranked lender in Washington - 73 contributions

A good loan officer who understands the unique lending guidelines for VA loans should be able to answer your up front questions, and even have access to an underwriter for more detailed scenarios. There are different channels of lending options, from Retail Banks to direct National Mortgage Lenders (such as Land / Home Financial) and wholesale Brokers. Each has it's merits. I recommend discussing your scenario with at least 1 from all three if you feel your situation is unique or difficult. Many times mortgage lenders and brokers may have more options if a retail bank isn't able to assist.

Sep 22nd 2014
Carmen Duerr (
#246 ranked lender in Florida - 4 contributions

First I would do some research on the company. You can also research the originator, you can do that by going onto . It is really sad that borrowers have been left feeling this way because of the bad apples.I would like to believe that there are more honest companies than not. With all of the new regulations and monitoring I would think most of that has been of luck Please contact me if I can of any assistance to you cduerr@prmg.netbest of luck

Sep 23rd 2014
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