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i mostly do freelance/contract work, mortgage options?

i haven't had a W-2 since 2007. do i need to apply as a self-employed worker? i'd like to know what is best for credit 717 but very unsteady income. When i do receive a paycheck it covers me for several months, no problem. by kaleauthor7968873 from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Aug 7th 2014 Reply

Dave Metsker (DaveMetsker)
#35 ranked lender in Oregon - 2,318 contributions

It sounds like you are self-employed, and a lender will most likely look at your 1099 income, and see how you report the net income on IRS form 1040. If you show little or no income on line 37 of the 1040, it will be very difficult to get a conventional loan at good rates. You may want to look for properties that have owner financing.

Aug 7th 2014
Phil Dumouchel (PhilDu)
#32 ranked lender in South Carolina - 2,249 contributions

Yes, you will be considered self employed and your income will be based on what you report on your IRS tax return. Be prepared to let an experienced lender review that info before you are pre-approved for a mortgage.

Aug 7th 2014
Ray Antonelli (Focused)
#68 ranked lender in Ohio - 66 contributions

Your scores appear to be good enough but it depends where you got the scores from. Online scores are more likely to be higher than what a mortgage pro would pull.If you report enough income on your tax returns to qualify for a mortgage and your scores hold up you should be OK.You'll need the down payment in cash. 3.5% of the purchase price minimum.

Aug 7th 2014
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

You will be required to produce the last two-years Federal tax returns at a minimum. The lender will see what you reported for income. Subtract out losses, and expenses, and whatever is left over that your reported to the IRS as your taxable income averaged over the past two-years is what mortgage companies will use as your self-employed qualifying income. More info at

Aug 8th 2014
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