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I have been discharged from my chapter 7 can I get a home loan in tx before 2 years i have 20,000 to put down if needed

by Aprilc_255_979 from San Antonio, Texas. Nov 24th 2012 Reply

Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Generally speaking, mortgage loan programs require you to wait a minimum of two-years past the Bankruptcy discharge date before you can get a new mortgage loan. There are some exceptions, so contact a local non-bank licensed loan officer for a full review of your situation... But be prepared. While there is a possibility of an exception, the granting of exceptions is super rare. Expect to wait the full two years.

Nov 25th 2012
Bert Carpenter (BertCarpenter)
#37 ranked lender in Arizona - 2,431 contributions

As Joe said, exceptions are rare. Even with a large down payment getting a new mortgage after a bankruptcy has been discharged require a wait of two years plus the re-establishment of a good payment history on other credit. Persons having filed bankruptcy are deemed to be an extreme credit risk and will continue that way until the have proved they can use credit wisely. Two years is the wait time FHA requires to prove you are credit worthy again. ~ Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z team of NOVA Home Loans ~ NMLS 40586 ~ Licensed in California and Arizona ~ 888-889-9950

Nov 25th 2012
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