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How soon after a shortsale can we refinance in Az? It will be 3 years in January dunce our short sale was settled!

by Ambermcronk719 from , Arizona. Aug 31st 2013 Reply

Just to add to question we credit score is back in the 700's and we have not had any delinquency on our credit!

Aug 31st 2013

You could be a buyer today. FHA will allow a new purchase with extenuating circumstances. This is often a reduction in income during the short sale, accidents, etc. Conventional will allow you to purchase now with 20% down with an automated approval. If you have VA eligibility you may also be able to qualify. Point is you have options. I am available this weekend via cell at 602-329-6591 if you would like to walk through your options.

Aug 31st 2013

The standard answer is for FHA - 3 yrs. from the completion date of a short sale, 3 yrs. from the Trust Deed date on a foreclosure; conventional 2 yrs. with 20% down; VA - 2 yrs. typically. The more important question is what do you qualify for and what program is going to provide the best terms. The new FHA program "Back to Work - Extenuating Circumstances" may also be an option depending on the details of the short sale. Call me today for details on rates, payments, and options at 480-223-2265.

Aug 31st 2013
Pete Bass (PeteBass)
#30 ranked lender in Connecticut - 476 contributions

You may be able to qualify now depending on your circumstances.....You will want to speak with a local lender that can help you. FHA may be a loanfor you. The local lender will ask you the circumstances of the short sale etc..... If you income, asset, credit qualify there may be an opportunity-

Sep 1st 2013
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Generally speaking, the quickest time to be able to refinance after a short-sale is three-years from the date you sold the home. You may hear all sorts of IF this, or that, then maybe this exception will apply... Forget all that stuff. Super rare is it that anyone qualifies for those exceptions. Even the new FHA guidelines that just came out that everyone is talking about carries so many stringent requirements that few people will qualify. Not only that, it is so new, no one even offers it yet! Focus on the FOR SURE three-year date...

Sep 2nd 2013
James Barath (JamesBarath)
#9 ranked lender in Indiana - 352 contributions

3 years and 1 day from the date that the deed transferred either to the new owner or back to the bank.

Sep 4th 2013

If you have VA benefits you can refinance now. Call Jill Beiler Arizona Wholesale Mortgage Inc. at 602-358-8717.

Sep 10th 2013
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