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How long does it take the mortgage company to find out if your taxes are filed by irs. We filed and gave all docmnetation including the check statement showing the irs had cash our check.

We were told that that would be enough and now they say they have to have irs showing it is filed. by latest_329_556 from Knoxville, Tennessee. Oct 7th 2011 Reply

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Oct 7th 2011
George DeVIne (gdevine)
#7 ranked lender in Rhode Island - 46 contributions

It only takes a couple of days for the IRS to process the request for the lender. The real issue is how long it takes the IRS to process your tax return. They can only document that it's filed after they have actually processed your return, which could take a few weeks. The alternative would have been for you to physically visit your local IRS office and have them stamp the return as filed.

Oct 8th 2011
Patrick McCarthy (PatrickM)
#22 ranked lender in Ohio - 196 contributions

When the tax transcripts are requested from the IRS, it generally takes 2-3 days to get them back, however, as mentioned previously, the tax returns take anywhere from 3-6 weks to be registered in the IRS system so that in order for the transcripts to show you have filed a return for the specific year(s), they have to be logged into the IRS system first. My experience tells me you should call the IRS and ask for a taxpayer advocate to help RUSH the process with them. In recent experience, we have allowed the 2008 and 2009 tax returns along with a letter of explanation as to what happened with your initial filing. Hope this helps. If you need more info, fell free to call on me. Pat MCCarthy, Stonegate Mortgage, 614-310-7520

Oct 10th 2011
Christina Hayes (CreditRepairExpert)
#8 ranked lender in Tennessee - 68 contributions

Before lenders could accept the filed date as proof (some lenders still do but not all). With all the fraud seen in the past couple of years, lenders have to wait to continue with your loan(s), until all returns have been processed by the IRS. Therefore, when the lender orders your transcripts normally a 4506, all the figures have been correctly recorded by the IRS. The filing isn't the issue.

Oct 11th 2011
Robert Hanson (rhanson)
#38 ranked lender in Maryland - 646 contributions

You should not have to show that 2013 are filed except under certain circumstances with commission or self employed income. If you do, there are ways of dealing with it without waiting for the return information to be available to the lender through the IRS. (which can take months sometimes) Please make sure that you speak with an experienced lender who will lay out various options here. I'm happy to help with the financing or just give you advice. If you need more information, or a competing rate quote call, email or use my live support button to discuss or get in touch with me. Web Address for live chat or quote is: Email is and direct phone is 240-752-7549. Good Luck -- Rob Hanson

Apr 4th 2014
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