Student loans have the same consideration as all your other debt.. the only difference is that if your loans are in deferment, then the lender is obligated to calculate a "potential future payment" of 2% of your outstanding balance and add that to your monthly debt to income ratios.. However, if your student loan lender will provide a document showing what your actual payments will be once you're out of deferment, then the lender will use those payments rather than using 2%.. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. William J. Acres, Lender411's number ONE lender in Arizona. 480-287-5714 NMLS# 226347
I AM A CALIF BASED BROKER WITH 23+ YEARS EXPERIENCE!It actually depends as we have programs that if deferred, will not count the payment and in some cases just a $10 hit to your income vs debt ratio. Tell me more as I would like to help you in anyway we can. Talk to you soon 408-892-3523
We would use the greater of 1% of outstanding student loan balance or actual verified payment if in forbearance. The same is true for Income Base Repayment Program. I can Email you our student loan matrix if you sent me your contact information. Thanks, Gus D.
They will be looked as a monthly expense that has to be counted in your qualifying ratio. If you do not have a payment plan in place the lender will take a percentage of the balance as the monthly payment
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