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Hi Liz,My ? is this: Why do sellers decline a buyer who will use VA financing vs. a buyer /w conventional financing?

by MIMahlon717 from Saginaw, Michigan. May 6th 2021 Reply

Mike Silkworth (msilkw_195_870)
#29 ranked lender in Michigan - 531 contributions

There is an impression that a person with Conventional Financing is a better qualified borrower than someone with VA, FHA or USDA financing. Thus, the belief that a conventional loan is more likely to close than a government loan. This is why it's important to have a GREAT Realtor representing you to properly communicate your strength as a buyer and a GREAT Mortgage Lender that has a track record of closing and closing on time.

May 6th 2021
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Because ignorant real estate agents scare them with their own baseless prejudices about the likelihood of various loan products actually closing. I constantly remind real estate agents how good VA loans are, how they are a great benefits to VA buyers, down payment size means nothing, and the best one... Asking them if they are going to discriminate against our military personal... because that won't go over well when the word spreads around the local VFW they discriminate. I lend in MN WI IA SD ND. I can be found at - Cambria Mortgage, NMLS 274132

May 13th 2021
John Burke (jburke)
#27 ranked lender in Texas - 321 contributions

There are several reasons why but the primary one is because listing agents are largely misinformed about VA loans.Here are some other reasons.1) The misconception that a buyer with conventional financing is somehow better qualified.2) VA loans cost the seller more money because the appraisal may require repairs (like chipped or peeling paint) and there are certain closing costs the Veteran cannot pay that seller will have to cover.3) VA loans take longer.| John Burke | Senior Mortgage Banker | Lending in ALL 50 states |Stride Bank | | (877)228-9069 | NMLS# 787231 |

May 18th 2021
Bert Carpenter (BertCarpenter)
#37 ranked lender in Arizona - 2,431 contributions

VA loans are the easiest, least expensive (for the buyer and the seller) loans available. Some older RE agents hold prejudices about VA loans because in the old days, before VA eased up on requirements around ten years ago, the VA was much more rigid on things like what a veteran can and cannot pay for, meaning the seller had to pay some of the buyer's closing costs, and how VA appraisers used to pick homes apart for miscellaneous deficiencies. Sadly, some of these old Codgers still believe the myth that VA loans are harder and worse, many have passed on this bad information to a younger crop of agents. You need to find a VA Lending specialist to work with your agent, to better arm him/her to shootdown these myths. I work closely with my VA borrowers and their agent to educate listing agents on how the program works and why my borrower is the better candidate.Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z Team of NEXA Mortgage ~ NMLS 40586 ~ Certified by The National Association of Mortgage Professionals as a Certified Veterans Lending Specialist.Licensed in AZ, CA, GA, IL, OR & WA... In fact, NEXA is licensed in all states except MA and NY so give us a call. ~ 480-889-9000.

May 20th 2021
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