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government home loans versus conventional

which is better for me - government or conventional mortgage. i don't know the benefits of either so advice will be taken to heart: fico of 752. very little to put down, no more than 4%. was active in army reserve for 7 years but have been out for 3 and dont know where i stand with VA benefits. please let me know what option is best i am in the dark where loans are concerned by reina.olmos76423766 from Bergenfield, New Jersey. Jun 24th 2014 Reply

Timothy Ray (
#80 ranked lender in New Jersey - 14 contributions

There are many options, but all depend on a number of factors. If you would like to further explore these, contact me at

Jun 24th 2014
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

VA is the best loan product available, so if you have VA benefits available to you, then that would be the absolute best loan to go with.. zero down and no mortgage insurance.. since you completed more than 6 years as a reservist, you would have VA benefits, so long as you were not dishonorably discharged. By contacting a local mortgage broker, he can apply for a VA eligibility certificate on your behalf, and from there you will know for sure.. if it turns out you don't have VA benefits, then conventional financing would be the 2nd best, however you will need 5% down. Conventional financing has much lower monthly mortgage insurance premiums than FHA, so it could be a significant monthly savings by putting a little more down.. if you don't have the extra 1% down, then you have to go FHA. They require 3.5%. All of these questions could be handled without any guessing by your local mortgage broker.. try to avoid using the corner bank or credit union.. typically the so called "Loan Officers" working for these institutions are merely application takers vs. loan officers.. they don't have the proper training to look at your complete profile and advise you on which loan product would be best, but your local broker is very much experienced, and will have no problem finding the right loan for you.. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. William J. Acres, Lender411's number ONE lender in Arizona. 480-287-5714

Jun 24th 2014
Jamie Ware (YourMortgageGuy)
#71 ranked lender in Pennsylvania - 44 contributions

1-Thank you for the opportunity to assist you in this question2-First check out the status of your VA benefits. This might allow you to go 100% and little money out of your saving account.3-Great credit score do you have other debts?4-Do you have a current job?visit for more information and anyone on this forum can help you. Good Luck

Jun 24th 2014
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

The VA loans is the best way to go... hands down. Especially if you are looking for a loan with less than 20% down payment.

Jun 24th 2014
Ted Ark (
#31 ranked lender in New Jersey - 37 contributions

As your credit score of 752 is stellar, you probably want to explore all options and their associated costs. For example, if you are eligible for a VA loan, you may qualify for 100% VA financing dependent on your income and purchase price. Conventional financing has a minimum down payment of 5%.Call me to discuss any questions. Regards,Ted ArkGolden MortgageBridgewater, NJ tel 908-8722-9217 x11licensed in NJ & NYNMLS# 27281

Jun 24th 2014
John Schweer (johnschweer)
#24 ranked lender in Kansas - 163 contributions

VA is the best HANDS DOWN...... If you have 5 minutes i can certified your VA eligibility with the VA for you and you'll know right away....... I am a veteran myself and Ive been specializing in VA lending since 1998 and am licensed in all 50 me at 816-412-3568 and we can discuss your situation with no obligation. thanks John Schweer Sr Mortgage Banker licensed in all 50 states

Jun 25th 2014
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