Per I have a credit score of 683. How likely will o be able to get pre qualified in Southern California? I have 10% to put down but I'm also interested in first time home buyer incentives. by Myfamilybills640 from Santa Ana, California. Apr 26th 2015
With a credit score 683, you should not have any problem, providing you meet all the other qualifications. Check with a local Loan Advisor.
You shouldn't have any issues with getting per-qualified with a 683 credit score or most first time home buyer programs. My name is Elden Lewis with Guaranteed Rate in Indianapolis, IN. If you need any further assistance please feel free to reach out to me at 317-225-4868.
ok, score is ok, and down payment .. but the major factor is what do you do for income? how long ? what are your debts ,monthly like credit cards, school loans, car payments , verus how much do you gross on your income?? linda
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