I have my eye on a very specific complex of condos that cannot be financed using FHA. However i can't afford a conventional mortgage down payment. Feeling a little stuck, are there any other options. My credit score is 721. by leilarue7862392 from Big Lake, Minnesota. May 29th 2014
I have some conventional options for you with lower down payments and/or down payment assistance. Feel free to email for details wnelson@lakeareamtg.com
Hi, there are definitely options available for you. Feel free to reach out and we can review what you have available. We are a local mortgage broker based in Minneapolis, MN. David Ortega - Satori Mortgage - 952-544-1706 - dortega@satorimortgage.com - www.satorimortgage.com
Do you really want to buy somewhere that will be hard to sell. Think about it, if it's hard for you to get financing with a 721, how hard will it be for other buyers. This will also mean you may not enjoy value increases that the rest of your area will, because FHA buyers can't buy there. Even if someone can finance you ..... RUN
You should be able to find a conventional loan with only 5% down on a condo. I only lend in Florida.
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