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Effect of change of employee

I have been employed for last 8 years without any gap, if I change an employee, how long do I need to be in the new employment before I can apply for mortgage please? by Guocui_825_188 from , . Mar 10th 2013 Reply

Mandy Fritsche (mortgage.mandy)
#35 ranked lender in Wisconsin - 20 contributions

If you are changing to the same field of work, same pay structure, most lenders will allow you to close once you have a paystub with 30days of year-to-date income on it. If you are changing from salary to commission or to self-employed that is a different case and would most likely need two years of tax returns. Please call or email if you would like to discuss your actual situation. Thanks, 262-327-5700 nmls#557211

Mar 10th 2013
Charlie Sparks (CharlieSparks)
#8 ranked lender in New Mexico - 401 contributions

Mandy's answer is correct. I'll just add... if you will still be paid hourly/salary and the pay is lower, the new amount will be used to qualify you and you will qualify for a lower amount. If the new pay is higher it will most likely be averaged with your previous pay so you won't get credit for all of it. Your loan officer will determine the maximum mortgage you can qualify for when they have all the details and wage documentation.

Mar 10th 2013
Mary Chris Gallo (MaryChrisGallo)
#46 ranked lender in Minnesota - 116 contributions

I would add that you have this discussion with your mortgage consultant. Depending on what type of loan you are looking at using (Conventional, FHA, VA or USDA) you may find that underwriters have a different/stricter requirement for a change in jobs. All in all, it shouldn't be a deal breaker ...but you'll want to be crystal clear on how best to navigate this detail.

Mar 10th 2013
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

If you are hourly or salary - 30 days worth of pay stubs from the new job is all that is required with just a minor gap in job history. But also understand, if you've been out of work for 6 months or more, you must be at the new job at least 6 months.

Mar 10th 2013
Raymond Denton (Raymond)
#10 ranked lender in Ohio - 224 contributions

Depends on your age - employment isn't required for Reverse Mortgages.

Mar 10th 2013
Leo Namiot (leolends)
#44 ranked lender in Florida - 13 contributions

If you are staying in the same job field and same job type no problem changing employers.

Mar 10th 2013
Leo Namiot (leolends)
#44 ranked lender in Florida - 13 contributions

Same job field? Then no problem changing employer after 30 days.. Contact me with any questions 203-525-3672 Ask me about a $1000 lenders credit and great mortgage rates!

Mar 10th 2013
Nancy Thompson (nthomp_121_511)
#8 ranked lender in Nebraska - 5 contributions

As long as you are a salaried or hourly employee you can close your loan once you have been on your new job for 30 days. Call me for more details. 402 813 4072 Nancy

Mar 10th 2013
Dave Metsker (DaveMetsker)
#35 ranked lender in Oregon - 2,318 contributions

30 days with new employer, in same field and pay range.

Mar 10th 2013
Joe Shamie (Joe Shamie)
#4 ranked lender in New Jersey - 1,412 contributions

You will need a 30 day pay history with the new employer.

Mar 10th 2013
Phil Dumouchel (PhilDu)
#32 ranked lender in South Carolina - 2,249 contributions

If it is same line of work i've been able to get an approval as long as I can confirm the pay at the new position, sometimes with a "promise" from the borrower to provide us a copy of their first paystub.

Mar 11th 2013
Mark Simon (mark.simon)
#10 ranked lender in Delaware - 83 contributions

The others have presented questions for info not in your question. If you would like to settle the questions on this today call me direct at 302-449-7373 Mark

Mar 11th 2013
Danyel Peck (DanyelPeck)
#16 ranked lender in Iowa - 4 contributions

Typically, as long as you are working in the same related field, and no gap in employment, there should be no issues when applying for your new mortgage. Underwriting will want to see 30 days of paystubs to show source of income from your new employer. You can always begin the loan process while waiting for your first thirty days to pass as well. Please feel free to call me at 515-669-4560 or apply online at I'd be happy to assist you with this lending process.

Mar 11th 2013
Peter Savino (855411LEND)
#99 ranked lender in New Jersey - 332 contributions

As long as you are in the same field, you will only need a 30 day pay history

Mar 11th 2013
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