I am not listed on our current house loan. How did he refinance without me being on the loan? by kimberly56598 from Tampa, Florida. Mar 8th 2011
Yes he can - only if the initial loan being financed was in his name only. If the loan was in both of your names then a quick claim deed should have been initiated with your signature to take your name off the title deed. Unless he has a signed power of attourney over you. Did you happen to sign a paper like that? If so then - you signed the house over to him. Its not required for the husband or wife, whichever order, to both sign loan papers to refinance or purchase.
Yes he can certainly can. For more details, please call me on my toll free number at 877-262-4050.Thanks,Kirk
Yes if it's a sole or separed property,or investment property or if it's your principal place of residency but you did no qualify for a loan . but you as his wife has to sign the mortgage instrument or a quit claim deed but not the loan or promisory note
Hello Kimberly,He has a capability if you live in a state that the property is not considered a community property, also were you on the loan and title prior to him doing this refinance?
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